Pengakuan / Confession


A person who teaches, esp. in a school.
instructor - master - schoolteacher - schoolmaster

That is how google define the meaning of the word teacher.

I had a good talk with a good friend of mine. Mohd Ar- Rahman bin Hussin. This is the kind of guy that is very passionate about this noble job. He was an editorial team for a magazine before. This is the kind of guy that I think will give you a big bitch slap if you make the 'If-you-cant-do-,you-teach' . joke. 'if you cant teach, teach gym' <--- Jack Black said that.

Me being myself subtly tries to make fun of my friend. Then he started talking. I was listening. Cant really remember the exact words. But to put it short. It should be like this.

"Student can sense your passion" . (very short indeed =D )

Teacher is the role model. His first obstacle surprisingly not from the students but from the teachers. Such statement for example , "I'm doing this because I cant do anything else".

Mohd Ar Rahman told me, if you already have this kind of mindset, then dont expect the students to perform. Because you yourself dont want to lead them.

Back to the title. I was involved in teaching before. For a year. Then I quit. When thinking about it, yes I teach because I had to. It was in my contract that I have to teach for 5 years. But what I didnt realise is that the absence of my passion does affect the students in a way. True they are university students, they should be able to think for themselves.

I came in the class with the mindset of 'all right lets get this over with' .

They are not kids anymore. They are able to sense this.

I admit that I more or less ruin the life I've touched. For this, I would like to apologize. (I know they can read this). I've failed to become your role model. I'd lost my passion halfway. Most of you guys didn't do well in exams. And I even almost burnt all your manuscript when I flicked the cigarette butt.

I will return to that place for a visit in 2012 due to some matter. Then I would love to meet few of them and talk. Just a small talk that can motivate them. Least I can do.

Ps: FYI Mohd Ar Rahman Hussin during his practical manage to get the average of 0% to 40%. with another class from 20% to 65% . How awesome is this guy. And now he have to teach in a school where the police have routine spot check for the students everyday. Yes the police not the teachers. Good luck my friend.

Rahman: kau tau tak apa cikgu senior cakap dgn aku first day?
Ali : huh? apa?
Rahman: "Kau pandai bertumbuk tak?"

This is Mohd Ar Rahman Bin Hussin.

This is Great Teacher Onizuka.


Ahmad Tongkeng said…
tak ada guru sehebat Onizuka.

or Datuk Kame, for that matter.
nothing can top onizuka!

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