
Showing posts from December, 2011

Pengakuan / Confession

teach·er /ˈtēCHər/ Noun: A person who teaches, esp. in a school. Synonyms: instructor - master - schoolteacher - schoolmaster That is how google define the meaning of the word teacher. I had a good talk with a good friend of mine. Mohd Ar- Rahman bin Hussin. This is the kind of guy that is very passionate about this noble job. He was an editorial team for a magazine before. This is the kind of guy that I think will give you a big bitch slap if you make the 'If-you-cant-do-,you-teach' . joke. 'if you cant teach, teach gym' <--- Jack Black said that. Me being myself subtly tries to make fun of my friend. Then he started talking. I was listening. Cant really remember the exact words. But to put it short. It should be like this. "Student can sense your passion" . (very short indeed =D ) Teacher is the role model. His first obstacle surprisingly not from the students but from the teachers. Such statement for example , "I'm doing this because I cant do


Tangled in a rectangle. Perspectives leads to refusal. Tangled in a rectangle.

fakta bulan

Moonlight comes from the sunlight reflected by the moon. Therefore it's still a sunlight. no?